I absolutely love the work of Piero Fornasetti. I can't remember what led me to discover him but I'm sure it happened less than two weeks ago. I almost dropped dead when I first saw the catalog of his plate designs on Minima Design. I made the Safe Method Dots that same day so that would make it April 17th.
The man was a genius. How is it I never came across his work earlier? To appreciate the full Fornasetti effect, I recommend Patrick Mauries' Fornasetti: Designer of Dreams (Thames & Hudson, 1991; reprinted 2010). There's also another tempting title forthcoming. Fornasetti: The Complete Universe (688 pages!) published by Rizzoli.
And another cool discovery is Franco Maria Ricci's lovely FMR Magazine. The November/December 1987 issue (No.29) has a nicely illustrated article on Fornasetti: "Those obscure objects of design." FMR is still being published along with some amazing monographs on artists including Guiseppe Arcimboldo, Domenico Gnoli, Alberto Savinio, and Vanni Viviani.
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