Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Something Old - Something New

 I'll start off with the "Something New" part. I just discovered that Spoonflower is now offering wallpaper and wall decals in addition to fabric. I am intrigued by the new design possibilities, especially for collage. Thus far I have been limited by the size of the paper that I can run through my printer which is only 8.5 inches wide. Now I can get something printed 12x24 inches. I've had some untested designs there for quite some time. I think I will order some of them as wallpaper swatches and see what I can do with them!

The "Something Old" part started off as a mistake. I was looking through my tumblr archive a few days ago and thought I saw the same item displayed twice--this one.

So I deleted one copy and they both disappeared! I really liked the design so I re-posted it. The first time I put it up a couple of years ago I did not have many followers and it was ignored. This time it started getting "hearts" and re-blogs almost immediately so I decided to give it the full Photoshop treatment of repeats, color changes, and artistic distortions.

 I love the results! See the whole series here.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Life's A Beach

I'm liking these diamond mandalas. Amazing to think that to get the above I just tuned into the Beach Boy's and let it flow.

It started with this photo of my little Feng Shui Mishap study.

I just got it revolving around a central point, kept repeating and changing the colors.

More on the tumblr.