I really love dots! I have a whole series of collages going that are based on dots which you can look at on my
web site . I also like painting dots. I should tell you that I began teaching myself painting in acrylic around March or so of this year. And I started with dots in primary colors mainly to get used to using the brush and because I was slightly nervous about all of the color choices I could make. I figured I could keep it simple with red, yellow and blue. I had lots of acrylic gloss medium on hand as the "glue" for my collage work, therefore I naturally progressed to glazing my primary colors (resulting in greens and oranges and purples!). So the better part of this year has been an exploration of dots in design. This has even led to the creation of digital collages based on patterns of dots painted in acrylics. Photoshop is such a miracle, but I'll try not to digress about it here except to say that I scanned in one of my unfinished dots paintings to create a collaged
exhibition poster with a repeat pattern for my local art group. I had a few sheets of the dots pattern from the poster left over. I marked up one with outlined triangles (for lights) and one with shaded triangles (for darks). Then I scanned them, shrunk them, alternated and repeated them to make a quilt. Then I cut out a circular portion, repeated the circle, added some dots and voila! I had "Risking Absurdity (Digression No. 1)" shown above!
It is cool how you just got into painting this year and that you chose dots. what a perfect way to break into a daunting medium. circles, dots, round things, there is something wonderful energetically about work containing those shapes.
your jewelry is gorgeous (i only saw that one necklace on your site).
Well, you have made me reconsider dots! This piece is stunning.
Thank you Paula and Beverly for your kind comments. I'm glad I started this blogging project! There will be more to come in the dots "Digression" series. I have in mind a tall narrow painting with the light triangle pattern as the wall and the dark triangle pattern as the floor and one circular cutout sitting there looking three dimensional. We'll see if I can pull it off...
and blog rule #2 is to occasionally comment back to the commentees so you are passing the bloggin with flying circled colors!!!!
rule #3 in my book is to visit commenters blogs but you already do that :)
gee suddenly i have more rules (which is bad to have rules, blogs should be FUN first and foremost). i will zip it for now you're doing great and already getting comments ~ you have friends even though you are a hermit!
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