The importance of the physical sciences is now so generally admitted that there are few institutions of learning in which they are not made regular branches of study. And very properly,-- for what can be more interesting and instructive, what more worthy of the attention of intelligent creatures, what more calculated to inspire their minds with a thirst for further knowledge, and fill their hearts with reverent gratitude to the Divine Being, than an acquaintance with the laws of the material world, the mysterious influences constantly at work in nature, and the principles by which atoms and worlds alike are controlled?

A number of engravings have been furnished by Benjamin Pike, jr., of 294 Broadway, New York, and are not mere fancy-sketches, but actual representations of instruments (the best and most modern of their kind) manufactured at his establishment. Mr. Pike's life has been devoted to this branch of industry. . .

Back in 1865 every-day life was simpler and physics was known as Natural Philosophy. This fragment was tucked inside the book; a publishers' flier or perhaps part of the original book jacket.
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